Mar 23, 2025 - Mar 25, 2025 Warsaw, Poland

17th East-West Immunogenetics Conference 2025


Welcome to the 17th EWIC

We invite you to the 17th edition of the renowned East-West Immunogenetics Conference that will be held in Warsaw on March 23-25, 2025 (EWIC2025). The Conference offers a program covering all subspecialties of immunogenetics and opportunities to network with experts from all over Europe. The workshop and scientific program will highlight the significant achievements of immunogenetics and transplantology in the first quarter of the 21st century, discuss the state-of-the-art practice of the immunogenetics laboratory, and indicate the directions for further development of these scientific disciplines. The Conference also offers a Pre-Conference Workshop, a satellite session on the role of the immunogenetics laboratory in new cell therapies, lunch symposia, and an exhibition organized by biomedical companies.

We are proud to return to Poland after eight years and look forward to welcoming you to Warsaw, the host city of the 17th EWIC. The conference center, Sound Garden Hotel, Warsaw, is conveniently located only fifteen minutes away from Warsaw Central Station and Chopin Airport and will be an excellent venue for presentations, lectures, and other program features in science, education, and research in immunogenetics.

Conference objectives
The annual EWIC is a forum for original data, sharing ideas about immunogenetical innovation, and disseminating evidence-based knowledge of primary laboratory and clinical relevance. Immunogenetics and affiliated professionals will be able to:
. Enhance their knowledge of evidence-based approaches to search and match donor-recipient pairs of organ and hematopoietic cell transplants.
. Be updated on emerging innovative techniques, diagnostic tools, and risk-assessment strategies in immunogenetics and transplantation.
. Communicate, collaborate, and network with representatives of a large international audience – laboratory and medical professionals, national immunogenetics laboratories, and the biomedical industry.

Conference center
The conference will take place at the Sound Garden Hotel, 18 Zwirki i Wigury Street, Warsaw, Poland.
For more information about registration and accommodation:

Preliminary programme

We kindly ask you to send abstracts directly to the email:
Abstract format:
MS Word file, font Times New Roman, font size 11, Title bold. Parts of an abstract: title; names and first names of authors, presenting author underlined, affiliations – center, city, country; e-mail address of the corresponding author, text – concise body not exceeding 300 words, including non-highlighted parts: introduction, the aim of the work, material and methods, results, conclusions, up to 3 references.
Please include the following statement in your submission email: "By submitting, on behalf of all co-authors, I consent to the publication of this abstract in the Abstracts Booklet of the 17th EWIC conference in Warsaw, and if it is approved by the conference reviewers, also in a scientific journal."


For Organizing and Scientific Committees,
Jacek Nowak
President of Polish Society for Immunogenetics