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EFI Accredited Laboratories
EFI Accredited Laboratories
Search for an EFI Accredited Laboratory, in the below overview
Institution | Lab director(s) | City | Country |
"S.C. Laboratorio di Istocompatibilità", Ente Ospedaliero Ospedali Galliera | Dr. ssa. Lucia Garbarino, Dr. ssa. Nicoletta Sacchi | Genova | ITALY |
Abteilung für HLA Diagnostik, Synlab Labor München Zentrum MVZ GbR | Dr. Anastasia Schneider | München | GERMANY |
Anthony Nolan Laboratories, Anthony Nolan | Dr. Sharon Vivers, Prof. Steven G.E. Marsh | London | UNITED KINGDOM |
Arztliches Labor Dr. Buhlmann, Gesundheitspark 2 | Dr. Annette Buhlmann | St. Ingbert | GERMANY |
Azienda Ospedaliera "Papa Giovanni XXIII" Bergamo, Servizio di Immunoematologia e Medicina Trasfusionale | Dr. Laura Castellani | Bergamo | ITALY |
Baskent University Adana Dr. Turgut Noyan Research and Medical Center, Immunology-Tissue Typing Laboratory | Professor Bilkay Bastürk (MD.PhD) | Adana | TURKEY |
Blood centre, HLA, DNA laboratory, University Hospital Ostrava | Mgr. Alena Maluskova | Ostrava – Poruba | CZECH REPUBLIC |
BMT Unit, Oncology Center “Marianna V. Vardinogianni – Elpida’’, Aghia Sophia Children’s Hospital | Dr. Maria Theodosaki, Dr. Irene Sfougataki. Dr. Evgenios Gousetis , BMT Director | Athens | GREECE |
CeMIA SA, Cellular and Molecular Immunological Applications | Professor Anastasios E. Germenis | Larissa | GREECE |
Central Diagnostics Laboratory, University Medical Center Utrecht | Dr. Eric Spierings | Utrecht | NETHERLANDS |