EFI Accredited Laboratories
EFI Accredited Laboratories
Search for an EFI Accredited Laboratory, in the below overview
Institution | Lab director(s) | City | Country |
Histocompatibility & Immunogenetics, NHSBT Filton | Dr. Anthony Poles | Bristol | United Kingdom |
Transplant Immunology and Immunogenetics, Oxford Transplant Centre, Churchill Hospital | Dr. Martin C.N.M. Barnardo | Oxford | United Kingdom |
The Tissue Typing Laboratory, Department of Clinical Immunology | Dr. Bjarne Møller, Pernille Koefoed-Nielsen MD, PhD, Dr. Randi Berg | Århus | DENMARK |
Tartu University Hospital, United Laboratories | Dr. Kaie Lokk | Tartu | ESTONIA |
Histocompatibility Testing Laboratory, Finnish Red Cross Blood Service | Dr. Taina Jaatinen, Dr. Juha Peräsaari | Helsinki | FINLAND |
The Tissue Typing Laboratory, The Blood Bank | Prof. Thorbjörn Jónsson, Dr. Kristjana Bjarnadottir | Reykjavik | ICELAND |
Immunogenetics Unit, Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos | Dr. Arturas Jakubauskas | Vilnius | LITHUANIA |
Section of Transplantation Immunology (TI), Dept. of Immunology (IMMI) | Dr. Christian Naper, Dr. Line Boulland, Dr. Katrin Lundin | Oslo | NORWAY |
Dept. of Clinical Immunology & Transfusion Medicine, University Hospital | Dr. Mats Bengtsson | Uppsala | SWEDEN |
Dept. of Clinical Immunology & Bloodtransfusions, F79, Karolinska University Hospital, Huddinge | Dr. Torsten Eich | Stockholm | SWEDEN |
Unit of Transplantation Immunology, Dept. Clinical Immunology and Transfusion Medicine | Dr. Ann-Sofie Liedberg, Dr. Josefina Dykes, Dr. Magnus Jöud | Lund | SWEDEN |
Dept. of Clinical Immunology & Transfusion Medicine, Linköping University Hospital | Dr. Ana Maria Vasilache | Linköping | SWEDEN |
Department of Immunology and Transfusion Medicine, Laboratory Medicine | Dr. Magnus Nordström | Umeå | SWEDEN |
HLA Laboratory, Hôpital ERASME, Route de Lennik 808 - B | Dr. Vanda Holovska | Brussels | BELGIUM |
Immuno-Hématologie - HLA Laboratory, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liège | Dr. André Gothot, Dr. Justine Schmitt | Liege | BELGIUM |
HILA Laboratory, Rode Kruis, Vlaanderen | Prof. Dr. Marie-Paule Emonds, Dr. Steffi de Pelsmaeker | Mechelen | BELGIUM |
Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel, HLA and Moleculaire Hematologie | Dr. Sc. Sonja Verheyden | Brussels | BELGIUM |
Cliniques Saint Luc - UCL, Molecular Biology (HLA & HHI) - Dept. of Clinical Laboratories | MSc. Thibaut Gervais, Prof. Veronique Deneys, Co-Director Dr. Corentin Streel | Brussels | BELGIUM |
HLA Laboratory Division of Laboratory of Hematology, AZ Sint Jan Brugge-Oostende AV Campus Brugge | Dr. Barbara Cauwelier | Brugge | BELGIUM |
HLA Laboratory, CHU Dinant Godinne | Pharm D. Liesbeth Daniels | Yvoir | BELGIUM |
HLA - Diagnostics, Sanquin Blood Supply | Dr. Neubury M. Lardy, Dr. Wendy T.N. Swelsen | Amsterdam | NETHERLANDS |
Department of Immunology, HLA Laboratory, Leiden University Medical Centre | Dr. Dave L. Roelen | Leiden | NETHERLANDS |
Central Diagnostics Laboratory, University Medical Center Utrecht | Dr. Eric Spierings | Utrecht | NETHERLANDS |
Department for Laboratory Medicine, Laboratory of Medical Immunology | Dr. Arnold van der Meer | Nijmegen | NETHERLANDS |
Dept. Transplantation Immunology, Tissue Typing Laboratory | Dr. Christien Voorter | Maastricht | NETHERLANDS |
Laboratory for Transplantation Immunology EA51, University Medical Center Groningen | Dr. Laura B. Bungener | Groningen | NETHERLANDS |
Welsh Transplantation and Immunogenetics Laboratory, Welsh Blood Service | Dr. Deborah Pritchard | Pontyclun | UNITED KINGDOM |
Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, NHSBT Colindale | Dr. Colin Brown | London | UNITED KINGDOM |
Histocompatibility & Immunogenetics, National Health Service Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) | Dr. Deborah Sage | London | UNITED KINGDOM |
Anthony Nolan Laboratories, Anthony Nolan | Dr. Sharon Vivers, Prof. Steven G.E. Marsh | London | UNITED KINGDOM |
Clinical Transplantation Laboratory, Barts Health NHS Trust | Dr. Delordson Kallon | London | UNITED KINGDOM |
Transplantation Laboratory, Manchester Royal Infirmary | Prof. Kay Poulton, Dr. Helena Lee | Manchester | UNITED KINGDOM |
Transplant Laboratory, University Hospitals of Leicester (General Hospital) | Dr. Clare Collins | Leicester | UNITED KINGDOM |
Tissue Typing Laboratory, Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust | Dr. Paul Brookes | Middlesex | UNITED KINGDOM |
Clinical Transplantation Laboratory, Synnovis Services LLP | Dr. Olivia Shaw | London | UNITED KINGDOM |
Tissue Typing Laboratory (Box 209), Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust | Sarah Peacock, MSc., Dr. Sarah Maxfield | Cambridge | UNITED KINGDOM |
Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Laboratory, The National Blood Service (NHSBT) | Mr. Luke Foster | Birmingham | UNITED KINGDOM |
Transplant Immunology, Level 09, Dept. of Clinical Biochemistry & Immunology | Dr. Brendan Clark, Dr. Katherine Mounsey, Dr. Adrienne Seitz | Leeds | UNITED KINGDOM |
Imperial NHS Trust, Hammersmith Hospital, Histocompatibility & Immunogenetics Laboratory | Dr. Arthi Anand | London | UNITED KINGDOM |
Histocompatibility & Immunogenetics Department, Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service (SNBTS) | Dr. David Turner, Dr. Richard Battle | Edinburgh | UNITED KINGDOM |
The National Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Service for Solid Organ Transplantation | Dr. Mary Keogan, Dr. Khairin Khalib | Dublin | IRELAND |
National Histocompatibility & Immunogenetics, Reference Laboratory (NHIRL) | Dr. Richard Hagan, Dr. Diarmaid O Donghaile | Dublin 8 | IRELAND |
Histocompatibility & Immunogenetics Laboratory, Gartnavel General Hospital | Dr. Ann-Margaret Little | Glasgow | SCOTLAND |
HLA-Laboratory, Institute of Transfusion Medicine | Dr. Meike Goebel, Dr. Sven Peine | Hamburg | GERMANY |
Tissue Typing Laboratory, Center of Transfusionsmedicine and Hemotherapy | Dr. Sandra Wienzek-Lischka, Dr. med. Anette Möller | Giessen | GERMANY |
Labor für Immungenetik/HLA | Dr. Reinhard Kelsch, Dr. Frederic Valentin | Münster | GERMANY |
HLA-Laboratory, Institute for Transfusion Medicine | Prof. dr. med. Monika Lindemann, Dr. Falko Heinemann | Essen | GERMANY |
University Hospital Halle/Saale, Department of Transfusion Medicine | Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gerald Schlaf | Halle | GERMANY |
Transplantationsimmunologie und Immungenetik, Inst.für Transfusionsmedicine & Immunhämatologie | Prof. Christian Seidl - assist. Prof. experiment. Hematology | Frankfurt/Main | GERMANY |
HLA-Labor, Zentralinstitut für Transfusionsmedizin & Blutspendedienst, Klinikum Stuttgart | Dr. Andrea Ender | Stuttgart | GERMANY |
HLA-Labor am Institut für Transfusionsmedizin, Universitatsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein | PD Dr. Malte Ziemann, Prof. Dr. Siegfried Görg | Lübeck | GERMANY |
Labor für Immungenetik, Medizinische Klinik 3 + 5, Universitätsklinikum Erlangen | Prof. Dr. Bernd M. Spriewald, Dr. Walter Luber | Erlangen | GERMANY |
HLA/Transplantlabor, Institut für Transfusionsmedizin (Campus Merheim) | Dr. rer. nat. Annette von Borstel | Köln | GERMANY |
Transplantationsimmunologie, Institut für Klinische Transfusionsmedizin & Immungenetik Ulm gGmbH (IKT Ulm) | PD. Dr. Daniel Fürst, Dr. Christine Neuchel | Ulm | GERMANY |
Dept. of Internal Medicine II, HLA-Laboratory | Prof. Dr. Reinhild Klein, Dr. Frank Grünebach | Tübingen | GERMANY |
Labor für Immunogenetik und Molekulare Diagnostik, Klinikum der Universität München | Dr. Andrea Dick | München | GERMANY |
HLA-Laboratory, Institute for Transfusion Medicine & Immunohematology | Dr. med Andreas Parkner | Magdeburg | GERMANY |
Labor für Transplantationsimmunologie, Institut für Transfusionsmedizin | Dr. Claudia Lehmann, Dr. Ramona Landgraf | Leipzig | GERMANY |
ZTB Zentrum für Transfusionsmedizin und Zelltherapie Berlin GmbH, Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum | Dr. Nils Lachmann | Berlin | GERMANY |
Institut für Transfusionsmedizin, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover | Prof. Dr. Rainer Blasczyk, Dr. Michael Hallensleben | Hannover | GERMANY |
DKMS Life Science Lab GmbH | Dr. rer. nat.Monika Christine Ilsegard Füssel, Dr. med. Alexander Platz | Dresden | GERMANY |
HLA-/Thrombozytenlabor, Zentrum für Klinische Transfusionsmedizin gemeinnütizige GmbH | Dr. Karina Althaus, Dr. Tamam Bakchoul, Dr. Yvonne Wanner | Tübingen | GERMANY |
HLA-Labor, Abteilung Transfusionsmedizin | Prof. Dr. Tobias Legler, Dr. Beatrix Pollok-Kopp | Göttingen | GERMANY |
HLA-Labor Dessau, DRK-Blutspendedienst der Landeverbände Niedersachsen | Dr. Hartmut Kroll, Dr. Claudia Grabowski | Dessau | GERMANY |
HLA-Labor, Stefan Morsch Stiftung | Dr. Marco Schäfer | Birkenfeld | GERMANY |
HLA-Laboratorium, Institut für Immunologie und Genetik | Dr. med. Bernhard Thiele | Kaiserslautern | GERMANY |
HLA-Labor, DRK-Blutspendeinstitut Nord-Ost GmbH | Undine Schulz, Diplom-Biologin | Cottbus | GERMANY |
Immungenetik, Institut für Transfusionsmedizin und Gentherapie | Dr. Florian Emmerich, Dr. Martin Bernheiden | Freiburg | GERMANY |
Labor für Immungenetik / HLA, DRK-Blutspendedienst West | Dr. med. Alexander Carbol | Bad Kreuznach | GERMANY |
Transplantationimmunology, University Hospital Jena | Dr. Volker Oberle, Dr. Katrin Maier | Jena | GERMANY |
Dept. of Transplantation Immunology - HLA Laboratory, Institute of Immunology - University of Heidelberg | Dr. Sabine Scherer, Dr. Hien Tran | Heidelberg | GERMANY |
HLA-Laboratory Dept. of Transfusion Medicine, University of Köln (AöR) | Dr. med. Larissa Oustianskaia | Köln | GERMANY |
Institut für Transfusionsmedizin - Transfusionszentrale, HLA-Labor, Universitätsmedizin der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz | Dr. Giancarlo Maccagno | Mainz | GERMANY |
Transplantationsimmunologie, DRK-Blutspendedienst Ost gemeinnützige gGmbH | Dr. Elisabeth Urban | Dresden | GERMANY |
HLA Laboratory, Dept. of Transfusion Medicine | Dr. Thomas Binder | Rostock | GERMANY |
HLA-Labor, Institut für Transfusionsmedizin | Dr. May El Sherif, Dr. med. Martina Wessiepe | Aachen | GERMANY |
Institute of Transfusion Medicine and Immunology, Mannheim, German Red Cross Blood Service Badem-Württemberg-Hessen | Prof. Dr. M. Müller-Steinhardt, Prof. Dr. Peter Bugert | Mannheim | GERMANY |
HLA-Labor, Institut für Transfusionsmedizin Suhl gGmbH | Dr. rer.nat. Gunnar Hersmann, Dr. rer.nat. Christine Helbig | Suhl | GERMANY |
MVZ Martinsried GmbH | Dr. Kaimo Hirv, Dr. Barbara Bangol | Martinsried | GERMANY |
Herz- und Diabeteszentrum NRW, Universitätsklinik der Ruhr-Universität Bochum | Prof. Dr. Cornelius Knabbe | Bad Oeynhausen | GERMANY |
HLA-Labor, Institut für Klinische Transfusionsmedizin & Hämotherapie | Dr. Sabine Kuhn | Würzburg | GERMANY |
Transfusionsmedizinische und Hämostaseologiesche Abteilung, Universitätsklinikum Erlangen | Dr. med. Julian Strobel | Erlangen | GERMANY |
HLA-Labor, Städtisches Klinikum Braunschweig GmbH | Dr. Henk S.P. Garritsen | Braunschweig | GERMANY |
Arztliches Labor Dr. Buhlmann, Gesundheitspark 2 | Dr. Annette Buhlmann | St. Ingbert | GERMANY |
Abteilung für HLA Diagnostik, Synlab Labor München Zentrum MVZ GbR | Dr. Anastasia Schneider | München | GERMANY |
Institute of Experimental Haematology and Transfusion Medicine, University Hospital, Bonn | Dr. Behnaz Pezeshkpoor | Bonn | GERMANY |
Tissue Typing Laboratory, Department of Blood Group Serology and Transfusion Medicine | Dr. Gottfried Fischer, MSc. Ingrid Faé, MSc. Sabine Wenda | Vienna | AUSTRIA |
Immunologische Atbeilung-Gewebetypisierung, Zentralinstitut für Bluttransfusion und Immunologische Abteilung | Dr. Harald Schennach, Dr. Anja Vales | Innsbruck | AUSTRIA |
Labor für Immungenetik, Blutzentrale Linz | Dr. Hansjörg Steitzer, Mag. Martin Danzer | Linz | AUSTRIA |
HLA-Labor, Univ. -Klinik für Blutgruppenserologie & Transfusionsmedizin | Dr. Ursula Posch, Mag. Silvia Ulrich | Graz | AUSTRIA |
Universitätsklinik für Blutgruppenserologie & Transfusionsmedizin / HLA - Labor | PD Dr. med. Christoph Grabmer, Dr. Nicole Aichinger | Salzburg | AUSTRIA |
Department of Immunogenetics, Institute for Clinical & Experimental Medicine (IKEM) | Prof. Antonij Slavcev | Prague | CZECH REPUBLIC |
Tissue Typing Laboratory, Dept. of Immunology | Doc. MUDr. Frantisek Mrazek | Olomouc | CZECH REPUBLIC |
HLA Laboratory, Czech National Marrow Donor Registry (CNMDR) | Dr. Pavel Jindra, MSc. Petra Bajzová | Plzen | CZECH REPUBLIC |
HLA department, Institute of Hematology & Blood Transfusion | Ing. Milena Vrana | 128 20 Praque 2 | CZECH REPUBLIC |
Tissue Typing Center, Clinical Department of Transfusion Medicine and Transplantation Biology | Doc. dr. sc. Renata Žunec, Prof. dr. sc. Zorana Grubic | Zagreb | CROATIA (local name: Hrvatska) |
Laboratory for Tissue Typing, Institute for Transfusion Medicine | Dr. Natasa Katalinic | Rijeka | CROATIA (local name: Hrvatska) |
Hungarian National Institute Of Blood Transfusion, Transplantation Immunogenetics Laboratory | Dr. Anikó Szilvási | Budapest | HUNGARY |
Laboratory Department, Laboratory of Histocompatibility and Genetics | Dr. Alicja Bukowska, MSc. Michal Kolasinski | Poznan | POLAND |
Laboratory of Tissue Immunology, Medical Center | Dr. Katarzyna Bogunia-Kubik | Wroclaw | POLAND |
Tissue Typing Laboratory, Clinical Centre of Cells Technologies | Dr. Larisa Trusova | Samara | RUSSIAN FEDERATION |
Laboratory of HLA Typing, Gavrilov Blood Center of Moscow Department of Public Health | Dr. Anna Chumak | 125284 Moscow | RUSSIAN FEDERATION |
Research Laboratory of Applied Immunogenetics,Federal State Budget Research Institution | Dr. Maria Loginova | Kirov | RUSSIAN FEDERATION |
Depart. of Transplantation Diagnostics, Histocompatibility Laboratory, First Saint Petersburg State Pavlov Medical University | Dr. Natalia Ivanova | St. Petersburg | RUSSIAN FEDERATION |
Tissue Typing Center, Blood Transfusion Centre of Slovenia | Dr. Sendi Montanic | Ljubljana | SLOVENIA |
Etablissement français du sang Auvergne Rhône Alpes, Laboratoire Histocompatibilité de Lyon | Dr. Valérie Dubois, Dr. Catherine Giannoli, Dr. Philippe Moskovtchenko, Dr. Dan Luscalov | Décines | FRANCE |
E.F.S. Rhône Alpes - Site de Grenoble, Laboratoire HLA | Dr. Béatrice Bardy, Dr. Céline Dard | La Tronche | FRANCE |
EFS Pays de Loire, Site de Nantes, Laboratoire Histocompatibilité et Immunogénétique | Dr. Alexandre Walencik, Dr. Florent Delbos | Nantes | FRANCE |
Laboratoire d'Immunologie et d'Histocompatibilité, Hôpital Saint-Louis | Prof. Sophie Caillat-Zucman, Prof. Jean Luc Taupin | Paris Cedex 10 | FRANCE |
Laboratoire Immunologie - HLA, Institut fédératif de Biologie | Dr. Nicolas Congy, Dr. Charlène Bouthemy | Toulouse | FRANCE |
Laboratoire d’Histocompatibilité et Immunogénétique, EFS Nouvelle Aquitaine Site de Poitiers | Dr. Isabelle Jollet | Poitiers Cedex | FRANCE |
Laboratoire d'Histcompatibilité et d'Immunogénétique, EFS Grand Est, site de Strasbourg | Dr Marie-Joëlle Apithy, Dr. Philippe Guntz | Strasbourg | FRANCE |
EFS - Alpes Méditerranée, Laboratoire d'Histocompatibility Immunology | Dr. Agnes Basire, Dr. Sophie Simon | Marseille Cedex 5 | FRANCE |
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire - Hôpital Robert Debré, Laboratoire d'Immunologie | Dr. Thierry Tabary, Dr. Marcelle Tonye Libyh | Reims | FRANCE |
Laboratoire d'Histocompatibilité, Dept. of Immunology, EFS Bourgogne Franche-Comté - Site de Besançon | Dr. Anne Dormoy | Besancon | FRANCE |
Dept. Immunology and Immunogenetics, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nice | Dr. Muriel de Matteis | Nice | FRANCE |
Laboratoire d’Histocompatibilité - CHRU de Nancy | Dr. Alice Aarnink, Dr. Michael Peres | Nancy | FRANCE |
Laboratorie d'Histocompatibilité et d'Immunogénétique, EFS Centre Atlantique, Site de Tours | Dr. Barbara Proust | Tours | FRANCE |
Laboratoire d'Histocompatibilité et d'Immunologie Leuco-Plaquettaire, EFS - Ile de France (EFS-IDF) | Dr. Laure Croisille, Dr. Elham Harfouch, Dr. Arnaud Essaydi | Creteil | FRANCE |
Histocompatibilité HLA, Etablissement Français du Sang Hauts de France Normandie | Dr. Fabienne Farce | Rouen | FRANCE |
Laboratoire HLA CHU CAEN Côte de Nacre | Dr. Erwann Quelvennec, Dr. Olivier Toutirais, Dr. Gautier Petit-Bultez | Caen | FRANCE |
Laboratoire HLA Centre de Biologie, CHU Gabriel Montpied | Dr. Paul Rouzaire, Dr. Richard Lemal | Clermont-Ferrand | FRANCE |
CHU Dupuytren Limoges, Laboratoire HLA | Dr. Matthieu Filloux, Dr. Virginie Pascal | Limoges | FRANCE |
Laboratoire Immunogénétique HLA, EFS- Bourgogne Franche-Comté -Site Dijon | Dr. Guillaume Dautin | Dijon | FRANCE |
EFS Auvergne Loire, site de St. Etienne, Laboratoire d'Histocompatibilité | Dr. Valérie Dubois, Dr. Catherine Giannoli, Dr. Philippe Moskovtchenko, Dr. Dan-Adrian Luscalov | Saint-Etienne | FRANCE |
Laboratory of Histocompatilbity / Dept. Hematology, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire | Dr. Nicolas Guillaume, Dr. Judith Desdesoutter | Amiens | FRANCE |
Laboratoire d'Histocompatibilité et d'Ímmunogénétique, EFS - Bretagne | Dr. Virginie Renac | Rennes | FRANCE |
Laboratoire de Génetique médicale et de biologie de la reproduction Unité d’histocompatibilité, BAT 5 BIS RDC | Prof Cédric Le Marechal, Dr. Bernard Mercier, Dr. Virginie Moalic-Allain | Brest | FRANCE |
Laboratoire d"Histocompatilbilité et' Immunogénétique, CHRU Montpellier | Dr. Hélène Mandin, Dr. Béatrice Bonafoux | Montpellier | FRANCE |
Laboratoire d'Histocompatibilité, EFS Pays de Loire - Site d' Angers | Dr. Alexandre Walencik | Angers | FRANCE |
Service d' Immunologie HLA Transplantation, Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire de Lille | Prof. Myriam Labalette, Dr. Isabelle Top, Dr. Vincent Elsermans | Lille | FRANCE |
Laboratoire d'Immunologie et d' Immunogénétique, Hôpital Pellegrin, CHU de Bordeaux | Dr. Line-Gwenda Guidicelli | Bordeaux | FRANCE |
Laboratoire d'Histocompatibilité, CHU La Reunion, Hopital Felix Guyon | Dr. Julien Eperonnier | Saint-Denis de la Réunion | REUNION |
Laboratoire d'Histocompatibilité, Service d'Immunologie | Dr. Marina Illiaquer | Fort de France | FRANCE, METROPOLITAN |
Laboratorio di Immunologia dei Trapianti, SC Trapianti Lombardia - NITp, Fondazione IRCCS CA' GRANDA | Dr. Loretta Crespiatico, Dr. Elena Longhi | Milano | ITALY |
SC Immunogenetica e Biologia dei Trapianti U, Dip. Medicina di Laboratorio | Prof. ssa Silvia Deaglio, Dr. Elena Garino, Dr. Cristiana Caorsi | Torino | ITALY |
Immunogenetica & Immunologia dei Trapianti - S.C. Genetica Medica, ASSL Cagliari & Università degli Studi di Cagliari | Dr. Sara Lai | Cagliari | ITALY |
Programma Dipartimentale Immunogenetica e Biologia dei Trapianti - DIAP, IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Bologna | Dr. Silvia Manfroi | Bologna | ITALY |
Immunogenetics Laboratory, Dept. of Immunohematology & Blood Transfusion | Dr. Benedetta Mazzi | Milano | ITALY |
Immunogenetica e Biologia dei Trapianti, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Careggi, Firenze | Dr. Sara Iozzi | Firenze | ITALY |
Laboratorio HLA/Serviz.di Immunoematologia e Medicina Trasfusionale e Centro d'Immunologia dei Trapianti, Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico "San Matteo" | Dr. Annamaria Pasi, Dr. Paola Bergamaschi, Dr. Ilaria Sbarsi | Pavia | ITALY |
Laboratorio HLA, Dipartimento Medicina Interna, AOU Ospedali Riuniti di Ancona | Dr. Alessandra Zoli | Torrette di Ancona | ITALY |
Sezione di Tipizzazione Tissutale, UOC di Immunoematologia e Medicina Trasfusionale | Dr. Luca Laurenti | Roma | ITALY |
UOD Tipizzazione Tessutale, Dept. Patologia Diagnostica, Bioimmagini e Sanita Pubblica | Dr. Donata Mininni, Dr. Giovanna Mongelli | Bari | ITALY |
Settore di Immunogenetica, UOSD Diagnostica ad alta complessità | Dr. Anca Zoe Iliescu | Pesaro | ITALY |
"S.C. Laboratorio di Istocompatibilità", Ente Ospedaliero Ospedali Galliera | Dr. ssa. Lucia Garbarino, Dr. ssa. Nicoletta Sacchi | Genova | ITALY |
Laboratorio di Tipizzazione Tissutale, Servizio Trasfusionale e di Immunoematologia e Medicina Trafusionale | Dr.ssa Rosa Chianese, Dr.ssa Liliana Lazzati | Varese | ITALY |
Laboratorio di Tipizzazione Tissutale HLA, S.I.T. Trento Serv. Di Immunoematologia e Trasfusione | Dr. Nadia Ceschini | Trento | ITALY |
Centro Regionale di Immuoematologia e Tipizzazione Tissutale, ASL 1 nº 1 di Avezzano-Sulmona-L'Aquila | Dr. Franco Papola, Dr. Carla Cervelli | L'Aquila | ITALY |
Centro Regionale Trapiante Lazio, Ist. CNR Farmacologia Traslazionale - Sede di Roma S. Camillo | Dr. Elvira Poggi | Rome | ITALY |
Medical Genetics / DMS, A.O. S. Camillo-Forlanini, University La Sapienza | Prof. Paola Grammatico, Dr. Alessandra Moscetti (co-director) | Rome | ITALY |
Unita Operativa Complessa Medicina Trasfusionale, Dipartimento Interaziendale di Medicina Trasfusionale | Dr. Elisabetta Guizzardi, Dr. Elena Nicolis | Verona | ITALY |
Unità Operativa Semplice di Immunogenetica HLA, Servizio Immunoematologia e Trasfusionale e Genetica Umana - ASL | Dr. Cinzia Marina Tagliaferri | Vicenza | ITALY |
Dip.Diagnostico, SSUO Immunogenetica dei Trapianti | Dr. Giovanni Rombolà, Dr Silvia Giuliodori | Parma | ITALY |
Lab. di Immunogenetica, Centro Regionale di Riferimento, Dipartimento di Medicina Trasfusionale | Dott.ssa Donatella Londero | Udine | ITALY |
Tissue Typing and CSE Processing, Transfusion Medicine | Dr. Lia Mele, Dr. Maria Grazia Verri | Alessandria | ITALY |
Laboratorio HLA, Servizio di Immunoematologia e Trasfusione AULSS3 | Dr. Maria Antonietta Saracino | Mestre-Venezia | ITALY |
U.O.S.D.Tipizzazione Tissutale, Dipartimento dei Servizi | Dr. Marina Francone, Dr. Rita Emilena Saladino | Reggio Calabria | ITALY |
Laboratorio HLA, UOC Immunotrasfusionale | Dr. Maria Paola Albergoni | Padova | ITALY |
Histocompatiblity and Immunogenetics Regional Laboratory, Transfusion Medicine | Dr. Valentina Cappuzzo | Palermo | ITALY |
Lab. di Tipizzazione HLA, Serv. Di Immunoematologia e Medicina Trasfusionale | Dr. Arabella Mazzocchi | Milano | ITALY |
Laboratorio di Istocompatibilita ''Vittorio Mero'', Servizio di Immunoematologia e Medicina Trasfusionale | Dr. Alberto Malagoli | Brescia | ITALY |
SD-Immunogenetica, Medicina di Laboratorio, Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Pisana | Dr. Michele Curcio, Dr. Silvia Fornaciar | Pisa | ITALY |
Laboratorio di Istocompatibilità, U.O.C. Medicina Trasfusionale | Dr. Elisabetta Durante | Treviso | ITALY |
U.O.S. Laboratorio di Tipizzazione Tissutale, Centro Donatori di Midollo Osseo (CD-CT02) | Dott.ssa Maria Azzaro, Dott. ssa. Sebastiana Toscano | Catania | ITALY |
Azienda Ospedaliera "Papa Giovanni XXIII" Bergamo, Servizio di Immunoematologia e Medicina Trasfusionale | Dr. Laura Castellani | Bergamo | ITALY |
Laboratorio Immunogenetica, Servizio di Immunoematolgia e Trasfusionale | Dr. Cinzia Vecchiato | Bolzano | ITALY |
Lab. di Tipizzazione HLA, Serv. Di Immunoematologia e Medicina Trasfusionale, Fondazione IRCCS, Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori di Milano | Dr. Giorgia Cornacchini | Milano | ITALY |
Immnogenetics Laboratory, Blood Transfusion Centre, Azienda Ospedale San Gerardo di Monza | Dr. Chiara Mariadele Scollo | Monza | ITALY |
Laboratorio HLA, SSD Cryopreservation and Cord Blood Bank, Pausilipon Hospital | Dr. Roberta Penta de Vera d 'Aragona, Dr. Rosa Colucci | Napoli | ITALY |
Lab. Di Immunogenetica e di Immunologia dei Trapianti (LIT), Unita Operativa Complessa di Immunoematologia, Medicina Trasfusionale e | Professor Claudio Napoli | Napoli | ITALY |
Lab. of Immunogeneticas Transfusion Medicine, Poliambulatorio, " Giovanni Paolo II | Dr. Giuseppe Cappucci | Foggia | ITALY |
Servizio di Medicina Trasfusionale Laboratorio HLA, Azienda Sanitaria Provinciale Di Ragusa | Dr. Roberto Distefano | Ragusa | ITALY |
Lab. di Tipizzazione Tissutale, Dipartimento di Medicina Trasfusionale | Dr. Elena Bevilacqua | Trieste | ITALY |
Laboratorio di Tipizzazione Tissutale, Servizio di Immunoematologia e Medicina Trasfusionale | Dr. Laura Perotti, Dr. Maristella Prucca | Cuneo | ITALY |
UOC Biologia dei Trapianti, Diagnostica Molecolare e Manipolazione CSE | Dr. Angela Rossi, Dr. Diego Ferrarese | Piacenza | ITALY |
Laboratorio di Immunogenetica dei Trapianti, DAI di Medicina di Laboratorio e Trasfusionale | Professor Giuseppe Matarese | Napoli | ITALY |
P.O. San Francesco / ASL Nuoro, Servizio Immunoematologia e Medicina Trasfusionale | Dr. Pier Paolo Bitti, Dr. Roberta Stradoni | Nuoro | ITALY |
Laboratorio Tipizzazione Tissutale, U.O.C. Ematologia, Azienda Ospedaliera Papardo | Dr. Vincenza Giuffrida | Messina | ITALY |
Oncoematologico, Azienda Ospedaliera | Dr. Antonella Manzo | Avellino | ITALY |
Laboratorio di Tipizzazione HLA, Servizio di Ematologia, Istituto di Ematologia | Dr. Patrizia Chiusolo | Rome | ITALY |
Servizio Di Immunoematologia e Trasfusionale, Lab. Di Immunogenetica e Immunologia dei Trapianti | Dr. Rita Tognellini, Dr. Federica Alunni | Perugia | ITALY |
Laboratorio d'Immunogenetica dei Trapianti, Polo di Ricerca di San Paolo | Dr. Marco Andreani, Dr. Maria Troiano | Rome | ITALY |
University Hospital Alexandrovska, Department of Clinical Immunology and Stem Cell Bank | Director: Prof. Elissaveta J. Naumova Jordanova, EFI co-directors: Prof. Anastasiya Mihaylova, Ass. Prof Milena Ivanova | Sofia | BULGARIA |
Histocompatibility & Immunogenetics Laboratory, Nicosia General Hospital | Dr. Carolina Stylianou | Nicosia | CYPRUS |
The Cyprus Bone Marrow Donor Registry, Karaiskakio Foundation | Dr. Paul A. Costeas, Dr. Chryso Pieridou | Nicosia | CYPRUS |
Dept. of Immunology, National Tissue Typing Center | Dr. Alexandra Siorenta, Dr Angeliki Vittoraki | Athens | GREECE |
Immunology - Histocompatibility, "Evangelismos" General Hospital | Dr. Alexandra Tsirogianni, Dr. Katerina Tarassi | Athens | GREECE |
National Peripheral Histocompatibility Center Department of Immunology, Hippokration General Hospital of Thessaloniki | Dr. Asimina Fylaktou | Thessaloniki | GREECE |
Dept. Immunology-Histocompatibility, Agia Sofia Children's Hospital | Dr. Nikki A. Constantinidou, Dr. Kelly Spanou | Athens | GREECE |
Immunology and Histocompatibility, General Hospital ''Helena Venizelou Alexandra''- Helena Venizelou Branch | Dr. Theodora Keramitsoglou | Athens | GREECE |
Histocompatibility & Immunology, The Hellenic Cord Blood Bank | Dr. Catherine Stavropoulos-Giokas | Athens | GREECE |
CeMIA SA, Cellular and Molecular Immunological Applications | Professor Anastasios E. Germenis | Larissa | GREECE |
Department of Haematology - Haematopoietic Cell Transplantation Centre, Hospital G. Papanikolaou | Dr. Apostolia Papalexandri (Lab Head), Dr. Ioanna Sakellari (Dept. Head) | Thessaloniki | GREECE |
BMT Unit, Oncology Center “Marianna V. Vardinogianni – Elpida’’, Aghia Sophia Children’s Hospital | Dr. Maria Theodosaki, Dr. Irene Sfougataki. Dr. Evgenios Gousetis , BMT Director | Athens | GREECE |
Centre for Immunogenetics and Virology, Ref. Centre for Romania in Immunology of Transplantation | Prof. Ileana Constantinescu | Bucharest | ROMANIA |
National HLA Laboratory, National Institute of Hematology & Blood Transfusion | Dr. Monica Irina Dutescu, Dr. Ruxandra Elena Caisan | Bucharest | ROMANIA |
Laboratory of Clinical Immunology, Clinical Institute of Urology & Renal Transplantation | Dr. Luminita Loga, Dr. Raluca Timoce | Cluj Napoca | ROMANIA |
HLA Laboratory, Tissue Typing Compartment, Dept. for Laboratory Diagnostics | Prof. Svetlana Vojvodic | Novi Sad | SERBIA |
Tissue Typing Department, Blood Transfusion Institute of Serbia | Dr. Zorana Andric | Belgrade | SERBIA |
Department of Medical Biology, HLA Lab, Istanbul University, Istanbul Medical Faculty | Prof. Dr. Fatma Savran Oguz | Istanbul | TURKEY |
Hematology Laboratories Tissue Typing Unit, Ankara University School of Medicine | Dr. Klara Dalva | Ankara | TURKEY |
Erciyes University Medical Faculty, Tissue Typing (HLA) Laboratory | Prof. Dr. Mustafa Yavuz Köker | Kayseri | TURKEY |
Gayrettepe Florence Nightingale Hospital, Immunology and Tissue Typing Laboratory | Dr. Süleyman Rüstü Oguz | Istanbul | TURKEY |
Baskent University Adana Dr. Turgut Noyan Research and Medical Center, Immunology-Tissue Typing Laboratory | Professor Bilkay Bastürk (MD.PhD) | Adana | TURKEY |
Tissue Typing and Immunology Laboratory, Istinye University | Dr. Mahmut Carin | Istanbul | TURKEY |
Diagnoseq Tissue typing laboratory, HLA genotypind (special laboratory) | Dr. Faruk Kalkan, Dr. Nese Göl | Ankara | TURKEY |
Laboratorio de Histocompatibilidad, Servicio de Inmunología | Dr. Paloma Talayero, Dr. José Ignacio Fernández Velasco | Madrid | SPAIN |
Histocompatibility and Transplantation Immunology, Hospital "12 de Octubre" | Dr. Estela Paz Artal, Dr. Maria Jose Castro Panete, Dr. Esther Mancebo Sierra | Madrid | SPAIN |
Histocompatibility, Centro de Transfusión de Madrid | Dr. Antonio Balas, Dr. Félix Garcia-Sánchez | Madrid | SPAIN |
Seccio Immunologia del Trasplantament, Servei de Immunologia CDB, Hospital Clinic de Barcelona | Dr. Eduard Palou | Barcelona | SPAIN |
Laboratorio de HLA de la Unidad de Inmunología, SAS ( Servicio Andaluz de Salud) | Dr. Rafael González Fernández, Dr. Juan Molina Alcaide | Cordoba | SPAIN |
Servicio de Inmunología, Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío | Dr. Maria Francisca González-Escribano | Sevilla | SPAIN |
Immunology, University Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaxca | Dr. Manuel Muro Amador, Dr. Alfredo Minguela Puras, Dra. Maria Rosa Moya Quiles | Murcia | SPAIN |
UGC Análisis Clínicos, Complejo Universitario Hospitalario de Granada | Dr. Miguel Angel Lopez Nevot | Granada | SPAIN |
Servicio de Immunologia, Hospital Universitario Son Espases | Dr. Natalia Martinez Pomar, Dr. Julio Iglesias Alzueta | Palma de Mallorca | SPAIN |
Inmunology Laboratory, Hospital de Cruces | Dr. Nerea Olivares Beobide | Vizcaya | SPAIN |
Laboratorio de Histocompatibilidad, Centro de Transfusión de la Comunidad Valenciana | Dr. Dolores Planelles, Dr. Francisco Boix | Valencia | SPAIN |
Unidad de Biología Molecular e Histocompatibilidad, Axencia Galega de Sangue, Órganos e Tecidos | Dr. Adolfo Eiras Martínez, Dr. María Luisa Abad Alastruey | Santiago de Compostela | SPAIN |
Servicio de Inmunología, Clinica Universidad de Navarra | Dr. Juana Merino, Dr. Cristina Moreno | Pamplona | SPAIN |
Tipaje-HLA, Centro Regional de Transfusión | Dr. Francisco de Paula Sånchez Gordo | Málaga | SPAIN |
Servicio de Inmunologia, Hospital Regional Universitario Carlos Haya | Dr. Abelardo Caballero, Dr. Alberto Torio Ruiz | Malaga | SPAIN |
Servicio de Inmunologia, Hospital Universitario de Gran Canaria Dr. Negrin | Dr. Maria Teresa Martínez de Saavedra Álvarez | Las Palmas de Gran Canaria | SPAIN |
Inmunología,UGC Laboratorios de Guipúzcoa | Dra. Maria Dolores de Juan Echavarri | San Sebastian | SPAIN |
Servicio de Inmunología, Lab. Histocompatibilidad, Hospital Univ."Marqués de Valdecilla", Servicio Cantabro de Salud | Dr. Marcos López-Hoyos, Dr. Javier Gonzalo Ocejo Viñals | Santander | SPAIN |
Dept. Immunologia, Hospital de la Santa Creu I Sant Pau | Dr. Candido Juarez Rubio, Dr. Oscar de la Calle-Martin | Barcelona | SPAIN |
Servicio de Hematologia, University Hospital of Salamanca | Dr. Amalia Tejeda Velarde | Salamanca | SPAIN |
Lab. Of Histocompatibility / Lab. of Immunology, Research and Applications to Diagnosis (LIRAD) | Dr. Maria Jose Herrero Mata (director), Dr. Francesc Rudilla | Barcelona | SPAIN |
Laboratory of Immunology/Histocompatilbility, Hospital Clínico Universitario | Dr. Jose Gómez Rial, Dr. Alfonso Javier Benitez Estevez | Santiago de Compostela | SPAIN |
HLA Laboratory, Centro Vasco de Transfusión y Tejidos Humanos(CVTTH) | Dr. Silvia Santos | Galdakao (Vizcaya) | SPAIN |
Centro de Sangue e Transplantação de Lisboa, IPST-IP, Immunogenetics Laboratory | Dr. Luís Ramalhete, Institute Director, Dr. Maria Antónia Escoval , Institutional Director | Lisbon | PORTUGAL |
Centro de Sangue e Transplantação de Coimbra, Área da Transplantação, Inst. Portugues do Sangue e da Transplantação | Dr. António Martinho, Institute Director, Dr. Maria Antónia Escoval, Institutional Director | Coimbra | PORTUGAL |
Centro do Sangue e da Transplantaçãodo Porto, Transplantação do Porto, Instituto Português do Sangue e da Transplantação, IP | Dr. Maria de Fátima Pinto Freitas, Dr. Paula Xavier | Porto | PORTUGAL |
Unité d'Immunologie de Transplantation UIT, Laboratoire National de Référence pour l'Histocompatibilité - LNRH | Co-Director: Prof. Jean Villard, Co-Director: Dr. Sylvie Ferrari-Lacraz | Geneva | SWITZERLAND |
HLA & Transplant Immunology Laboratory, Department of Laboratory Medicine | Dr. Monique Gannage | Lausanne | SWITZERLAND |
HLA-Diagnostik und Immunogenetik, Hämatologielabor Labor, Dept. Labormedizin | Professor Stefan Schaub, Dr. Gideon Hönger | Basel | SWITZERLAND |
Klinik für Immunologie, UniversitätsSpital Zürich | Dr. Jakob Nilsson, Dr. Lukas Frisknecht | Zürich | SWITZERLAND |
Molekulare Immundiagnostik, Inselpital, Universitätsspital Bern | Dr. Michael Horn | Bern | SWITZERLAND |
HLA Typing Laboratory, Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry Charitable Trust | Prof. Frieda Jordan, Dr. Mihran Nazaretyan | Yerevan | ARMENIA |
Histocompatibility lab, Primer Centro Argentino de Inmuno genetica, PRICAI | Dr. Karin Padros, Dr. Ulises Toscanini | Buenos Aires | ARGENTINA |
Clínica Imbanaco, Grupo Quirón Salud, Clínica Imbanaco, Grupo Quirón Salud | Dr. Isabella Caicedo Ortiz, Institutional Director, Dr. Claudia Muñoz Herrera, Inmunogenetics Directo | Cali | COLOMBIA |
Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Antioquia, Laboratorio de Inmunología de Trasplantes | Dr. Cristian M. Alvarez Botero | Medelin | COLOMBIA |
Servicios Médicos Yunis Turbay y Cia. SAS, Sede Norte | Dr. Juan J. Yunis | Bogotá | COLOMBIA |
Department: Cundinamarca, Laboratorio Medico Echavarria | Dr. Rincón Orozco | Bogotá | COLOMBIA |
Tissue Typing Laboratory, Sheba Medical Center | Dr. Ron Loewenthal | Ramat Gan | ISRAEL |
Tissue Typing Laboratory, Rabin Medical Center | Dr. Moshe Israeli | Petach-Tikva | ISRAEL |
Tissue Typing Laboratory, Hadassah Ein Kerem University Hospital | Dr. Gil Benedek | Jerusalem | ISRAEL |
Clinical Immunology & Tissue Typing Laboratory, Rambam Health Care Campus | Dr. Lilach Gutter Kapon | Haifa | ISRAEL |
Neuberg Center for Genomic Medicine Private Limited, 3rd Floor, Plot No:7, Industrial Estate | Dr. Vani Sesha Subramanian | Chennai | INDIA |
Transplant Biology and Immunogenetics Laboratory, Kuwait University, Health Sciences Center | Dr. Reem Ameen | Jabriya | KUWAIT |
Fred H. Allen Laboratory of Immunogenetics, New York Blood Center | Dr. Taba Kheradmand | New York | UNITED STATES |
Laboratory for Tissue Immunology, National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS) | Dr. Elizabeth Mayne | Cape Town | SOUTH AFRICA |
Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Austrian Red Cross, Blood Center for Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland | Prof. Dr. Wolfgang R. Mayr | Vienna | AUSTRIA |
Tissue Typing Laboratory Division 7631, Dept. of Clinical Immunology | Dr. Anne Werner Hauge | Copenhagen | DENMARK |
Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, NHS Blood and Transplant | Dr. Arash Akbarzad-Yousefi | Newcastle-upon-Tyne | UNITED KINGDOM |
Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Laboratory Barnsley Blood Centre, NHS Blood and Transplant, Unit D | Mr. Tim Key | Barnsley | UNITED KINGDOM |
Servicio de Hematología Hospital Universitario UANL | Dr. Nidia Karina Moncada Saucedo | Monterrey Nuevo Léon | Mexico |
Molecular Biology Laboratory, Haematology and lymphomas and BMT unit | Dr. Maria Garofalaki | Athens | Greece |
Laboratorio Cellule Staminali Sezione di Ematologia e Coagulazione | Dott.ssa Arnalda Lanfranchi | Brescia | ITALY |
Histocompatibility Lab. Hospital Privado, Universitario de Córdoba | Dr. Luciana Mas, Dr. Eliana Palomino | Córdoba | ARGENTINA |
Tissue Typing Laboratory, Clinical Immunology & Transfusion Medicine | Prof. Jan Holgersson, Dr. Dace Abele | Gothenburg | SWEDEN |
Department of Histocompatibility & Immunogenetics (Transplantation Immunology), Directorate of Immunity & Infection, Liverpool Clinical Laboratories | Dr. Paul Wright | Liverpool | UNITED KINGDOM |
Scienze Biomediche, Metaboliche e Neuroscienze, Serv. di Medicina legale Laboratorio di Genetica forense | Dott. Gianmarco Ferri | Modena | ITALY |
Servicio de Hematologia (Unidad de Inmunologia), Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra | Dr. Eva Bandres Elizalde | Pamplona (Navarra) | SPAIN |
Blood centre, HLA, DNA laboratory, University Hospital Ostrava | Mgr. Alena Maluskova | Ostrava – Poruba | CZECH REPUBLIC |
Laboratory for immunological tissue typing Scientific and production center for transfusiology | Dr. Aida Turganbekova, Dr. Zhulduz Zhanzakova | Astana | KAZAKHSTAN |
Laboratory of Tissue Compatibility Testing, Department of Clinical Transfusiology, Military Institute of Medicine | Dr. n. med. Agnieszka Rzeszotarska | Warsaw | POLAND |
Dipartimento di Oncoematologia e Pneumologia, AORN A. Cardarelli | Dr. Assunta Viola, Dr. Alessandra Picardi | Napoli | ITALY |
Laboratorio Centro Trapianti Cellule Staminali e Terapia Cellulare, SC Oncoematologia Pediatrica, Direttore Prof.ssa Franca Fagioli | Dott.ssa Ivana Ferrero | Torino | ITALY |
Servicio de Inmunologia, Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias | Dr. Antonio López Vázquez, Dr. Jose Ramón Vidal Castiñeira | Oviedo | SPAIN |
Labóratorio de Histocompatibilidade do Instituto de Imunogenética - IGEN, Associação fundo de Incentivo a Pesquisa - AFIP | DRa. Maria Gerbase de Lima, Dr. Renato de Marco (Co-Director) | São Paulo | BRAZIL |
Hôpital Robert Debré, Laboratoire d'Immunologie | Dr. Béatrice Pédron | Paris | FRANCE |
Tissue Typing Laboratory, Koç University Hospital | Dr. Sebahat Akgül, Prof. Caner Süsal | Istanbul | TURKEY |
Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Unit, Laboratory of Immunology | Dr. Javier Cid Fernandez | A Coruña | SPAIN |
Tissue Immunology, South African National Blood Service (SANBS) | Dr. Ute Jentsch, Mr. Derrick Nelson | Johannesburg | SOUTH AFRICA |
Dept. Molecular, Oncolab Diagnostics | Dr. Theo Gerdener, Dr. Robyn Marshall | 1692 Midstream, Pretoria | SOUTH AFRICA |