EFI Membership

At this moment, there are more than 1100 active EFI members working in HLA laboratories all over Europe and many other countries all over the world.

Are you working in the field of immunogenetics, histocompatibility testing and transplantation?  Join us to today and take advantage of the membership benefits!

Become an EFI Member

Interested in joining EFI? Please click the become member button below and complete your membership application form today!

Become a member
  • Reduced Conference registration fee

    EFI Members are eligible for a reduced registration fee at the annual European Immunogenetics and Histocompatibility Conference

    All about EFI Membership
  • Apply for a bursary

    All EFI Members are invited to apply for a bursary

    All about Bursaries
  • Summer School

    Participate in the International Summer School on Immunogenetics and Histocompatibility

    All about Summer School

EFI Membership Survey 2023

The results of the EFI Membership Survey executed early 2023 are presented here. 

Results of the membership survey

EFI Bursary application

All EFI Members are entitled to apply for a bursary. Within EFI the following bursaries are made available:

EFI Personal Bursary

The EFI Executive Committee proposes annually an amount of money within the annual budget that can be used to provide bursaries to EFI members. 

EFI Education and Scientific Bursary

To promote training in the field of Immunogenetics and Histocompatibility, the EFI Executive Committee has allocated a fixed number of bursaries for EFI members.

Support for EFI 'International Affairs'

The EFI Executive Committee will propose annually, an amount of money (“International Affairs”) to support organisers of educational meetings that have a theme relevant to the field.