EFIS Task Force "Young Immunologists" has launched!
On behalf of the yEFIS Committee Board it is our pleasure to announce that the brand-new Task Force "Young Immunologists" of the European Federation of Immunology (EFIS) has just launched!
You can find all the information about the Task Force in the website: Task Force "Young Immunologists"
You can also follow the Task Force on Twitter on @y-efis, where you will be updated about all news.
Briefly, this new network aims to join all early career scientists working on immunology and represent their interest on a European level. Thanks to the support of 21 Immunology Societies around Europe as well as the full support from the EFIS, the Task Force is growing very fast. The newly created working groups "Sex Equality and Diversity" and "Communication" are already working on the first projects. yEFIS collaboration with the European Journal of Immunology (EJI), initiated by the German and Italian Young Immunologist Groups, has shaped already the first article published in April this year: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/eji.202070045
More importantly, yEFIS will be present in the next European Congress of Immunology (ECI) 2021 in Belgrade, where the Task Force will have its own slot of 1.5-2h exclusively for young immunologists.
Any of this sounds interesting to you? Then join the Task Force through their website: Task Force "Young Immunologists"
If you would like to further collaborate with the yEFIS Taks Force in one of the working groups or you have an idea to put into practice, do not hesitate in contacting yefis@efis.org.